People - Profiles
Bangalore, the city of 4 ½ million people – undoubtedly the fastest growing city in Asia, is a dynamic mix of a fascinating history & an equally wondrous techno culture. Among the rustle of the trees & the threat of rain, the lush foliage of the city invites you to live
life to the fullest, the smells & sounds carrying the very essence of traditional Deccan life.
Like any other Indian city, Bangalore with its pollution, rich, poor & middle class, its vegetable markets, autorickshaws, crazy traffic, cows roaming the streets, government bureaucracy & more offers more to life. The roots of global culture are very prominent among the people of Bangalore, be it the IT ring or the more than tens-of-thousands of students.
Best known within India for being the country’s unofficial high-tech capital, the city is the playground of many Indian as well as multinational Infotech companies. Filtering down to everyday life, cyber joints can be found in every major block of the city. It is the urban-oriented, technology based culture that drives the people of this beautiful city, to make what it is.
We’ll try to capture this pulse of the city, by profiling the people who are behind the success story of Bangalore. Every month our focus will be to bring the spotlight on people from different genres of life, who have had a significant influence in Bangalore’s growth.
This month profile is on Girish Karnad.
In 1999, Karnataka gained a rare literary distinction. When Jnanpith Award was awarded to noted playwright Girish Karnad, it became the only state, and Kannada the only language, to have seven Jnanpith Awardees.
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